With the ever increasing problem of illegal immigration there is need for equipment for travel document examination, which is both portable and convenient for border control officers to use. To satisfy this demand ACO Electronics have introduced the FD-02 forgery detection kit which contains all the necessary tools for rapid document verification in the field.
The FD-02 is targeted at immigration personnel tasked with the detection of fraudulent documents in front line areas such as at airports, on borders or on mobile patrols. Particularly suited for passport and identity card control, the FD-02 will also be useful for airline security personnel and immigration officers who need check for forged documents at departure gates or at airline steps where mains power is not available.
Resulting from the first-hand experience of immigration officers and border guards over many years, the FD-02 contains items for the detection of alterations, erasures, obliterations and for the verifying of security safeguards.
All the tools are housed in a soft nylon-carrying bag with a shoulder strap and are protected from damage by a deep foam lining. The kit is available in with several options, including a version with all batteries fitted and ready for use, and with a full complement of spare lamps. A comprehensive easy to read manual enables the user to become quickly familiar with the kit contents as well as giving useful guidance on how to carry out simple document checks.